Hair coloring
As we all know, a simple change in appearance might be a powerful boost for absolutely any kind of woman’s self-confidence. Changing or adjusting the color of the hair is the most powerful “happy weapon” of that kind, that we offer.
Here’s a list of the trendiest Hair colorings which we offer:
- Ecaille
- Cinnamon swirl
- Color bleed hair
- Flamboyage
- Nude hair
- Snowlights
- Denim blue
- Rose gold
- Buttery blonde
- Color melting
- Cuivre red
- Delibarate roots
- Streaks of Neon
- Autumn red
- Compound colors
- Multifaceted platinum
- Hair-strobbing
- Pink-Copper Ecaille
- Pillowy Soft Blondes
- Pastel Glamour
- Flattering Naturals
- Shimmering Shades
- Back to balayage
- Woodsy brown